Kamille Likely to Join WWE’s Roster

Kamille Likely to Join WWE's Roster
Kamille is WWE-bound

This year, WWE is expected to engage in free agency and recruit new talent, including Kamille.

As a regular member of the NWA since October 2018, Kamille has become one of its biggest stars under contract. After being Nick Aldis’ “insurance policy,” she would transition into a prominent singles star. She was promoted to represent the women’s division.

After being crowned Women’s Champion for over 800 days, she has now given up on that title. Despite the fact that the promotion agreement with Kamille had expired in 2023, there were suspicions that she was on her way out, as per previous reports.

According to Dave Meltzer in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Kamille is expected to join WWE and start off with NXT. It was mentioned that a deal has not been confirmed, but it is anticipated.