Tony Schiavone Reacts to CM Punk: ‘I’m Not Concerned; He Can Keep Talking If He Chooses

Tony Schiavone Reacts to CM Punk: 'I'm Not Concerned; He Can Keep Talking If He Chooses

During his appearance on The MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani on Monday, CM Punk brought up an incident involving Tony Schiavone seeking his assistance when Jack Perry was verbally confronting Tony, Mike Mansury, and a doctor during the second episode of Collision. Perry had apparently been denied permission to smash out a car window with a pipe for a storyline.

In response to Punk’s remarks, Tony Schiavone shared his perspective on the What Happened When podcast. He expressed his disinterest in the matter, stating, “I really don’t give a sh*t about it. I’m not going to get into this.” Schiavone acknowledged Punk’s comments but indicated his reluctance to engage further. He emphasized that he was not bothered by any criticisms, noting, “So what. If he was critical of me, people would say, ‘Oh, Schiavone on his podcast is going to defend himself.’ I have nothing to defend.”

During the same podcast, Conrad Thompson mentioned Paul Heyman’s induction into the WWE Hall of Fame, prompting Schiavone to praise Heyman’s unparalleled skills as a talker. He hailed Heyman as one of the greatest promos in the history of wrestling, alongside icons like Ric Flair and Jim Cornette. Schiavone emphasized Heyman’s mastery of the art of promos and credited it as a key factor in his well-deserved Hall of Fame recognition.