Positive Update Emerges as Charlotte Flair Shares Recovery Journey from Surgery

Positive Update Emerges as Charlotte Flair Shares Recovery Journey from Surgery

Charlotte Flair is determined to return to her squared circle as fast as she can.


The star of the show is currently sidelined by an injury that is severe and will keep her on the sidelines for between 9 and 12 months. she ruptured her MCL, ACL, and meniscus in December’s WWE SmackDown during a match against Asuka.

The exact time the incident occurred was when Flair made a turn in the corner. She appeared to have fell and twisted, then immediately grasped her knee.


When she appeared on CNBC Today, Flair was asked about her recovery from surgery.

“I am just six weeks away from having surgery on Thursday I’m ahead of time and all I think about is getting back into the ring. Especially because of all the excitement around Raw taking over Netflix, WrestleMania 40 in Philadelphia. All I think about is returning and getting that 15th WrestleMania Title”Women’s Title.”