Randy Orton Acknowledges Debt to Vince McMahon for His Support, Yet Deems Allegations Troubling If Valid

Randy Orton Acknowledges Debt to Vince McMahon for His Support, Yet Deems Allegations Troubling If Valid

Today, a second interview with Randy Orton about the allegations against Vince McMahon was released.


Janel Grant, a former WWE employee who filed the suit alleging McMahon’s involvement in a sex abuse and trafficking scandal was previously discussed by the former WWE Champion. The suit also names the company and former executive John Laurnatis, which the feds are investigating.

Orton said he has seen horrible things on the internet that he does not want to believe, because McMahon did so much for him. He stated that without McMahon he would not have the opportunities he has in WWE. He knows that without McMahon, he would not be where he is today.


“I want to believe it but then I understand that he did make some terrible mistakes. He could have done so much for me and my business. This amazing thing will continue long after his death. But on the other side, he is human.

Orton stated that there are three sides of a story: their side, the opposite side and the truth. He believes that there is more information to come before he speaks on anything, and this would be true for any talent asked.

“I know Vince McMahon. He’s the man I’ve personally known for 24 years, and I’m grateful for all he has done for me. I can say this with confidence because I wouldn’t be where I am today without his help. If these accusations are true, it’s a horrible thing. I’m torn. It’s hard.”