Shelton Benjamin Urges Recognition for Bayley’s Royal Rumble Victory Amidst Distraction Over Cody’s Story

Shelton Benjamin Urges Recognition for Bayley's Royal Rumble Victory Amidst Distraction Over Cody's Story

In an interview during a segment of The Black Rasslin’ Podcast, Shelton Benjamin was asked whether he watches the most wrestling. He stated that nowadays there isn’t much of a difference, but he’s staying up to date with certain events. He also acknowledged the progress of female wrestling.

Benjamin continued to discuss Rhea Ripley as well as his personal relationship with Rhea Ripley.

It’s funny, but it’s how the business has changed in ways that I’ve would have never thought of. As an example, when I was watching things like the Logan Paul stuff, I focused on things like the Cody Rhodes stuff. It’s not similar to Logan Paul killing it. He’s doing it. Part of me says that when I first started, I didn’t think he’d received such a roaring welcome the first place. But, as you can imagine, social media has transformed the world. It’s not my generation. I’m aware of this. So I just sit and watch the news and sort of understand how social media influences lots of the things happening in the wrestling industry. That’s nearly everything. I am always aware of these issues and the people who are becoming a bit more tolerant without even knowing them on social media and other platforms similar to that. I had to learn it the tough method. There wasn’t Twitches or Instagram as well such as the fact that people would see your face on the screen and you had the responsibility of performing in a way that was satisfactory. For me, it’s sort of like saying ooh, some of you have fun playing with simple. I’m not saying that it’s simple. It seems like some of you are playing with ease. However I am also aware of the difference between when I first started, the women from all walks of life I’m not talking about WWE. I’m referring to all women. Women’s wrestling matches are all day and night. It’s not at all the same. The sport isn’t even the exact same game as was played before, because it’s my personal favourite Rhea. It’s my personal favorite to watch her body whipped Mia…I’ve seen how the level of skill and the women’s contributions to the table today is simply amazing. This was unheard of. It was as if the women were essentially attractive when I initially began.

In the beginning of the 2000s, there was a difference, but when you see them today they’ve transformed the game. Women are genuine draw for their matches and not just for their looks, but for their games. That being said and this applies for all social media platforms that you must talk about Bayley and a lot more. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t I know that people are excited about The Rock and Cody finishing his story, but at similar time I witnessed CM Punk mention that. Bayley took home The Royal Rumble and all anyone is talking about is the story of Cody. Sorry. Don’t forget to give Bayley Flowers. She’s one of the under-appreciated girls that are on our roster. I think she’s not appreciated and regarded as undervalued by the team, but not as talented. I think we are aware of the qualities she has and Bayley is a world-class athlete in April. My personal opinion.