Triple H Brings a Cool Demeanor to the Backstage Environment, According to The Undertaker: ‘He Doesn’t Resort to Yelling or Criticizing Talent’

Triple H Brings a Cool Demeanor to the Backstage Environment, According to The Undertaker: 'He Doesn't Resort to Yelling or Criticizing Talent'

A brand-new Episode of the Mark Calaway show (The The Undertaker) Six Feet Under is streaming now on YouTube.

The departure of Vince McMahon out and Triple H being creative, there’s been numerous reports of the positive vibe backstage. Calaway confirmed those reports.

“There is like this calm backstage,” Calaway explained. “The crew itself, the talent, they’re relatively young. Top to bottom, they’re young people. They’re all so chill. I’ve seen him (Triple H) get worked up, but I haven’t seen him yell at talent. I haven’t seen him bad mouth anybody. There’s been times where you come back through the curtain and you know that ass-chewing is coming. I haven’t seen that with him.”

Calaway added, “Like I said, I haven’t been around a whole lot, but I’ve been around enough, and I know him well enough, and I can just tell it’s such a chill vibe. For me, I almost don’t like it because it’s almost too calm. To me, and this is just me on the outside looking in, it’s like they don’t care enough and it’s not that. It’s just the atmosphere. I think because that roster is so young, that kind of person that can nurture like he can, I think is perfect for this time period in the industry.”

In the video, Calaway also talked about Cody Rhodes, Triple H and The Royal Rumble, and The Rock’s return to WWE TV.