Failed talks between Mercedes Mone and WWE for return due to money

Failed talks between Mercedes Mone and WWE for return due to money
NJPW/WWE/More news on Mercedes Mone’s talks with WWE

Mercedes Mone is not returning to WWE after a meeting with the company.

Her journey

After quitting WWE at the end of 2022 Mone was signed to New Japan Pro-Wrestling following the IWGP Women’s Championship bout at Wrestle Kingdom 17 in which she was champion, before being sacked. The injury occurred during an event to win the inaugural NJPW Strong Women’s champion which led to her having surgery to repair a fractured ankle in the past few months.

The plans to work on Mone in AEW were reported to have been canceled and she’s also not signed with NJPW. The actress hinted at her WWE return in the last week via social media.

According to reports the company was currently discussing with her about return, but negotiations didn’t progress until both sides could agree regarding a deal. WWE sources said that the company was among those who decided to quit the talks.

Talks ended in a halt

In an interview on Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer stated that talks were unable to go through due to them being far different in terms of finances and there’s much talk of her joining AEW.

“She was definitely in negotiations with WWE. Based on what I’ve heard that they were in a tiff in terms of the issue of money. One person from WWE who stated, for example”Until she appears and you learn that she signed a contract be aware of what happened to [CMPunk] Punk and that sort of thing. I’m not sure whether they are aware of it or were however, I was informed that today “Remember what happened with Punk.’ That’s when they claim that it’s over and tell everyone it’s over. We were told by several sources that they were from each other in terms of the amount of money. That’s similar to what happened last year If you can recall that time prior to her trip on a trip to New Japan and when [therewas talks about her coming to return when Vince McMahon had left and Paul Levesque was in the room but in the end they didn’t sign the deal last year since she had requested another time, and the way she explained it was that it was Charlotte Flair money and, they didn’t think they could take that far. Another aspect is that she’s involved in different things going on, whether it’s acting or other companies she’s a part of, which could cause problems. I’m thinking that with AEW I believe that she’d be more free to be a part of the show, even though WWE will likely offer you more freedom as opposed to under Vince in the past, when Vince was a very controlling individual, but it could be different. However also that for Mercedes this is likely to be an expensive contract however we’ll wait and wait and see. There’s speculation that Andrade is in for the biggest pop on Monday and Mercedes will follow relatively quickly. We’ll wait and see. I’m sure I don’t know, and neither do we know if she’s healthy However, there’s lots of talk about her being in AEW. We’ll watch to see what happens. 

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