John Cena Identifies Who Should Be Regarded as the GOAT in WWE

John Cena Identifies Who Should Be Regarded as the GOAT in WWE

John Cena has given his view on who he believes is the greatest wrestler of ever (GOAT) within WWE.

Like putting together the lists of the names that make up Mount Rushmore in professional wrestling the wrestler that people believe is the most popular is also a matter of opinion, since many have different opinions regarding the subject.

The majority of people would think The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Roman Reigns and many more are just a few names that pop into your mind.

In a conversation with Chris Van Vliet, Cena did not give a specific answer and instead rattled off a few names that ought to be part of the conversation.

“I say, this is just my personal opinion. And this isn’t a complete objective view. Of course it’s just an opinions. Hulk Hogan would have to be there. Steve Austin, Dwayne Johnson, and Roman Reigns. Roman has done an amazing job in taking the company to levels it’s never been to before.”

The complete interview will be made public on Tuesday.