Latest WWE NXT TV Tapings Unveil Spoilers

Latest WWE NXT TV Tapings Unveil Spoilers

WWE has decided to give the stars and crew the week off because key producers will be heading to Perth to attend an event called the Elimination Chamber PLE, so the WWE taped the episode NXT after the show this week in Orlando, Florida.

Here are the results of the tapings, thanks to Pwinsider:

Oba Femi beat Lexis King to win The NXT North American Championship. He defeated Mr. Stone was taken out by King in the course of the match.

Roxanne Perez beat Wren Sinclair by submission.

Josh Briggs defeated Brooks Jensen. Briggs was embraced by Jensen following the match.

A new generation of NXT Tag Team Champions Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin came to the arena for a promotional prior to Andre Chase and Duke Hudson declared that they owed an Tag Team Title rematch. Nathan Frazer and Axiom wanted to have a title match too. The match was announced to be a first-place contestant’s match later in the evening.

Jacy Jayne (with Thea Hail and Jazmyn Nyx) defeated Arianna Grace. Jayne advised Hail as well as Nyx to take on Grace during the game, and Nyx did the same.

Andre Chase & Duke Hudson Andre Chase and Duke Hudson defeated Nathan Frazer and Axiom to be the top candidates for NXT’s Tag Team titles. After the match, The Good Brothers (Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows) attacked both teams.

Lash Legend beat Kelani Jordan in the final when Jakara Jackson was distracted by Jordan while she was preparing for her split-legged moonsault which allowed Legend to win by launching an explosive powerbomb. Kiana James, along with Izzi Lady Dame took on Jordan following the game.

Lyra Valkyria Vs. Shotzi for the NXT Women’s Championship was stopped when Shotzi was seen to bruise her knee when she fell upon the ground.

Ava Shotzi was not medically qualified to compete prior to announcing an open challenge to anyone to compete against Valkyria to win the title, that Lash Legend accepted.

Lyra Valkyria beat Lash Legend to keep Lash Legend’s title. NXT Women’s Title.