Matt Riddle Reacts to Vince McMahon Allegations: “Not Shocked, He Was a Maniac”

Matt Riddle Reacts to Vince McMahon Allegations: "Not Shocked, He Was a Maniac"
Matt Riddle on McMahon

Matt Riddle discussed his interactions with Vince McMahon while in WWE and also the accusations against former WWE Chairman and CEO while participating on Sunday’s Main Event.

A lawsuit claimed that McMahon was a part of an alleged sex abuse and trafficking scandal involving an ex- WWE employee, Janel Grant. The company and its former exec John Laurnatis were also named in the lawsuit.

“Well, people say that [being surprised], and granted, I had no idea of anything going on. I don’t even politic my own matches. I show up and do my job. Honestly, if you watch any of his work from in-ring performances, the things he said and did, logic will tell you alone. Especially me, personally, all the good wrestlers that play good characters, that’s them. It might be turned up by ten or 100, but that’s them. When I see Vince do all the things, he’s done from the 80s, 90s, early 2000s, I was not surprised. Some of it, a little, but yeah, the guy is a billionaire that owns a company. He’s done it all, seen it all, and wants to do more and see more. I don’t know. I’m not a billionaire. Yeah, I wasn’t the dude (alleged in the lawsuit). Brock was the dude he was talking to. It wasn’t me. So yeah, I really have no comment other than that. I’m not surprised. I hear people say they’re surprised. I’m not surprised. The guy was a maniac.”

Riddle was then reminded of his first encounter with McMahon.

“Awesome (his interactions with McMahon”Awesome [his interactions with McMahon. McMahon thought that I was silly. In fact, I remember when we first spoke, I was not liked by him because I was a bit goofy. And I said and he said, ‘You’re funny. I’m like, ‘Yes, I’m funny and that’s a good thing. Then he’s saying, ‘Being a gimmick isn’t good for you. Then I thought, ‘Well, I’m a goof and can kick your a** in the process, and then you can inform him that this did not make him happy. Then Bruce Prichard hopped in, and he said”Hey, Vince, he’s pretty skilled at wrestling. You can trust me.'”

Riddle also spoke about the ways he is different from other wrestlers.

“Well, I’m thinking that my personality is totally different from everyone else. The thing about professional wrestling is that everybody is out there. Everyone is trying to be the best in a match. We’re all striving to be unique and distinct. However, we’re all competing against with each other. That’s how we compete. How can I stand out in a crowd in which there could be nine other contestants performing exactly the same thing? The answer is simple. I don’t have shoes. I’m careful. I don’t have any padding since I don’t require the more mixed martial arts moves and knees and submissions or anything similar to that. However, I do have the flare-up and I can do fast-flying moves, and flips from the top. I’m an acrobatic and could do all of that. At all times, I’m able to connect with adults because I’m you know, 420-friendly and have wrestled in the UFC and I also connect with children because I’m silly in the best way and I take an electric scooter and I am a comedian. This is, as you can imagine it’s still in the making as I see most people want to meet a certain level, and I’m trying to be cool, or this or this or that. I personally believe that pro wrestling caters to the entire world.”