WWE Expressing a Strong Desire to Reintegrate Mercedes Mone Negotiations has been Laid by Several factors

WWE Expressing a Strong Desire to Reintegrate Mercedes Mone Negotiations has been Laid by Several factors
WWE left the door open for her return

Mercedes Mone had a chance to return to WWE prior to her return from injury, but both sides were unable to reach an agreement on an agreement. This does not mean that there aren’t any disagreements between the two.

The talks

WWE was engaged in discussions with Mone about a return, but after talks ended, WWE sources claimed that they were the ones who decided to quit the talks since they were in a disagreement regarding the issue of money.

Today, Mone is expected to make her AEW debut in the near future, though it’s unclear what time it will be.

What happened

Pwinsider says that WWE sources have noted that a variety of elements, such as the change in ownership as well as an overhaul of the Triple H regime in place to encourage creativity has set the stage for the two parties to re-evaluate their relationship.

The announcement also laid the scene for her possible return, as they were informed “The company would want to see her return and has made it clear and at the very least, early talks between the two sides have occurred.”

One source believed that she’d return, but until a contract is made, nothing is officially binding.