John Cena Discovered His Firefly Fun House Match with Bray Wyatt Just Three Days Prior to Filming

John Cena Discovered His Firefly Fun House Match with Bray Wyatt Just Three Days Prior to Filming

Thoughts on Logan Paul:

“I even told him that I’m thinking ‘The older me would have been disgusted. I think the old man would’ve thought”What is it that you’re trying to steal from us?’ and it’s an old method of thinking I was taught, and I know the reason. The old carnival trade do not be a believer in the person who’s stepping into our territory. This idea was outdated in the 1980s. The idea of bringing in outside influence to assist us. Eventually, there is someone that you don’t need to convince them to accept and then you have someone who is a part of our society and is totally respectful takes on more risks than I do in the ring. He performs things I’ll never have the ability to perform every time he’s on the scene. He is a master at telling the stage for a story. He is able to stir in interest. He’s making use of all the skills that he’s accumulated throughout the universe. He’s been doing everything we do, he’s been with his channel. I am now appreciative of the fact that he’s inviting his world into ours and doing it respectfully.”

Cena discussing his fight with Bray Wyatt in 2020 was initially planned to be a regular match:

“I recall three days prior to when we recorded our Firefly Fun House match. It was the final TV taping, where they showed up and were telling me, ‘You’ll have an Firefly Fun House match’ I do remember there were three participants sitting in a conference room at NXT along with me. I asked them, ‘What’s the definition of the definition of a Firefly Fun House match? Then they said”I don’t have any idea.. I responded”Great! What can we do?’ And they said”Oh, my God I said, again, manage the controllable. I wish we had an audience. The performers are just like. I would like to see blood. I would like to do headshots from a chair. I would like to swear. I would like to turn people off. Control the switchable. Utilize the tools on your belt. What can we do to create something fun in a period of two days without an audience? they provided us with a clause. Everybody else is playing an ordinary match, and this is your allowance. It’s not an official physician match, or a Thuganomics match or one of the Hustle or Loyalty match that’s entirely different. There are these definitive characters. You’ve got all the weapons. You’ve got all this persona and that’s what people show off. It’s amazing. This can be a meta-review of my life, and do it without a problem. What’s the matter at the back of our warehouse? We have the first. The blue cage is ours. I could get some NWO things. Let’s achieve this. I can remember the one match I’ve ever written from beginning to end. My wife was so poor had to print it out, and I’m writing on her a paper. She asked: ‘What’s this? What exactly does it mean?’ She said, ‘Just print it. I’ll need it’ and in some place I still retain the first draft of my handwriting for that Firefly Fun House. Bray could not have been more perfect. He was aware of what was going on and was aware of everything about it. I wrote the draft the night before, so when I’m trying to message these guys and say, I’ve found an odd message. I’m thinking I may have a photo of the draft that’s still on my phone. I do not have it however I keep it in a message that I sent to him on the night before the match, particularly after watching The Undertaker’s fight the night before. Oh my god they took it to the ground, and there was a amount of physical contact. One punch was dealt to us and I texted him about how scared I was. However, I wanted to express my gratitude to him for his bravery and trusting me, and I can’t imagine having done it any better. I believe we tried our best and, hopefully, it worked and was a great effort and one that I am proud of.”