Eric Bischoff shares thoughts on Kevin Nash’s absence from Sting’s final match

Eric Bischoff shares thoughts on Kevin Nash's absence from Sting's final match

In the most recent episode of the “83 Weeks” podcast, Eric Bischoff gave his thoughts about the WWE Elimination Chamber and some of the biggest wrestling news this week.

Eric Bischoff on why he was in favor of sticking in The Rock in the Roman Reigns-Cody Rhodes saga over Reigns against The Rock:

“It’s not so much that I think the Cody-Roman match is bigger than Rock versus Roman. I’m not putting that kind of evaluation on it in my own mind. I think the reason that I’m resistant to the idea of just putting Cody’s storyline on hold is because we rushed Rock to the scene and didn’t really think through the process. It would have been too much too soon. If that Bloodline storyline with The Rock had been the foundation for that story or the beats in that story would have been happening for the last three, four or five months, I’d be with you on that. I might have a different opinion altogether, but that wasn’t the case. It was a rushed story. It was an angle. That is what it really was. It wasn’t a storyline. It wasn’t a typical act one. It was an angle to start a story and I just think it would have been rushed. I think putting Cody’s story off to the side, a story that has been told for a year now, a little over a year, it’s a timing issue. It’s not a quantitative issue. It’s a timing issue.”

Eric Bischoff on Sting’s last match to be broadcast on AAW’s Revolution Pay-Per-View:

“I’m certainly looking forward to the main event. If it was a little bit easier, I’d probably fly down and get a ticket and put on a wig and glasses and show up in the back and watch just to be a part of it. I’m looking forward to it. It hurts me just a little bit when you say I know you’re going to be critical. I’m not going to be critical if I don’t have anything to be critical about. I want to be supportive and I’m going to try to be supportive. There’s always ways to make things better and if there’s something that I see, then I’ll probably point it out, but I’m not chomping at the bit to be negative. I want to walk away being very excited for my friend, Steve Borden, and feel like he closed that last chapter exactly the way he wanted to and was able to bask in the glow of such a long, successful career in those last few moments in front of 16,000 plus people. I think it’ll be an amazing experience. I’m pumped.”

Eric Bischoff’s thoughts about Kevin Nash saying he won’t be attending Sting’s final match due to his devotion towards Triple H:

“I believe that there’s more than this. I told you that if I had not just finished a week of travel, I’d like to go and be participant in it. I’d be willing to disguise myself to avoid being noticed. I don’t want to be distracted and I’m betting that’s the case for Kevin. I have a good relationship with Kevin fairly well. Kevin is a wonderful friend. Kevin can be a angry, grumpy and moody to deal with at times However, he’s an excellent friend. He’s a trustworthy friend. I’m not sure. I’m not Kevin. I haven’t heard his remarks. I’m responding to what I’ve read or heard the things you’ve said. I believe there’s more to it, and I’m thinking of the fact that Kevin isn’t keen to be the source of distraction for Sting’s night. It’s possible that he didn’t say that, but I’d think it’s a part of it too. I get that part, especially in the case of Kevin Nash. There’s no way he’s going to be able to sneak into. Are they planning to put on a wig to hide? I’m not sure. Sometimes Kevin will, based on the mood, will make a comment that I am thinking, wow! That’s sort of insane, but I’d guess that a major part of it is because he does not want to distract.’